One-minute documentary, “Cycling for Peace”, ft. Pushkar Shah, a world cyclist, Everest summiteer, and peace activist is currently competing in a contest organized by the International Emmy Awards. You can vote for his documentary to be selected in Top 20 by voting online.
How to Vote?
Step 1 – Go to the link
Step 2 – Click on “Vote for this entry” below the video player.

Only one vote per device is allowed.
Deadline : Sept 22nd, 2022
Pushkar Shah, a passionate world cyclist who is also an Everest summiteer and probably the only person in the world to have travelled 150 countries on a cycle. Even more admirable that he was a messenger of peace from the land of Buddha. It is natural that a Nepali would be the messenger of Peace.
Well, here is your chance to make yourself proud by voting for his one-minute documentary that highlights his extraordinary feat.
Pushkar started his world tour on a cycle in 1998 and completed in 2009 traveling around 221,000 Kms (5.5 times circling the world). He then submitted Mt. Everest in 2010.
This is what your vote will look like (see image below). So hurry up. Change is in the air. Balen is doing his part, Pushkar has been doing his part, and now it is time for us to do it. The voting is until September 22. Head over to the page right now.
Here is the link again:
Writer/Director: Abinash K. Chhetri
Cinematographer: Susan Thatal
Assistant Cinematographer: Pankaz Mahara
Gaffer: Indra lal Shrestha
Editor: Bikash Dahal
Sound Design: Aavash Upreti
1 Minute Video Competition for Peace
The JCS International Young Creatives Award was designed to discover, recognize and foster young talent from around the world while creating a global conversation around Peace.
The three (3) Winners will be invited to attend the 50th International Emmy® Awards events in New York, from Friday, November 18 to Monday, November 21, 2022.
The 2022 Theme is “Stand Up for Peace!”.