Education Minister Sumana Shrestha, through a recent video on X (Twitter), has supported the introduction of a bilingual examination system by Tribhuvan University.
विद्यार्थीहरुले लामो समयदेखि उठाँउदै आएको माग पुरा भएको छ! अब त्रिविको स्नातक तहका प्रश्नपत्रहरु अङ्ग्रेजी र नेपाली दुवै भाषामा!
त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयबाट लिइने वार्षिक परीक्षा प्रणाली अनुसारका सबै सङ्कायहरूको स्नातक तहका प्रश्नपत्रहरु तयार गर्दा अङ्ग्रेजी र नेपाली दुवै भाषामा…
— Sumana (@SumanaShrestha) March 29, 2024
The University’s Academic Council has decided that starting from the first-year exams, all undergraduate question papers will be prepared in both English and Nepali. This change, starting from the academic year 2080 on the 15th of Chaitra, will progressively be applied to the second, third, and fourth years.

In her video message, Minister Shrestha provided context to this policy change by recalling the advocacy efforts that led to this decision. “A year ago, we raised an issue that question papers should be available in both Nepali and English,” she stated, underscoring the belief that “no one’s proficiency should be identified by language alone.” This initiative stems from direct feedback from students who faced hurdles due to language barriers, leading to meaningful action. “Many students had told us they were facing challenges due to language barriers.” In response to these concerns, “we presented this issue in the assembly, showing the question papers and stating that this was the case.”
Minister Shrestha concluded her video message with congratulations to all the students who will benefit from this transformative policy and extended her gratitude to the Vice Chancellor and the Academic Council for their dedication to making this change a reality.