It’s been a month since Oli became our Prime Monster for the second time and so far, not much has happened in Baluwatar except meeting his fellow cadres and figuring out how to move forward. And we didn’t know that the Pakistanis were great friends with Oli because we were all surprised when the Pakistani Prime Minister decided to visit our country.
Most of the time, our new PM either visits India or China depending on their political affiliation. The Kangaroos choose India for the samosas where our comrades want to try some dim sum in Beijing.
Modi is more than likely to become the Desi PM for the second time. And Uncle Xi is now the President for Life in China. And Oli has the numbers to be the Maharaja but of course, our politicians will need more than boras of cash, tax free vehicles and many more to change our constitution and have one person running the show again but we will have live with the fact that a dozen mini-Maharajas will continue to have fun in this land for decades to come!

It seems that the Chinese communists really don’t’ care much for our comrades. If they did then Uncle Xi would at least visit Nepal because he has been running the show for more than half a decade in China and while our Prime Monsters have visited Beijing, we have yet to get their thulo mancheys to visit Kathmandu.

The last time , we had someone from there was back in 2012 when Uncle Wen was in town and our incompetent government decided to shut down the capital instead of asking us to welcome the Chinese Premier.
We expected Oli to come up with a new project for Nepal every other day but it seems that he just wants to take it slow for now. When he was our PM the last time around, he had promised us to fit gas lines in our homes and we are still waiting for big cargo ships on our rivers. This time around, we expect more from Oli. Let us send our people to Mars. If we can send all of our politicians then that would be much better!
Well, things do move slow in this land of ours and we might finally get a full cabinet this week after our comrades finally figure out whom to select to become our mantris. Let us not blame Oli and Prachanda for not being able to even get started with a full cabinet for a month. After all, our federal government will not have a jumbo cabinet like before.
And most of our politicians do want to become mantris because they have to ensure a better future for their families. After all, most of our politicians get into politics not to serve the country and its citizens but to serve con artists, cadres and their cousins.
Oli has the backing of two-third majority in the House and Madame Bhandari is once again our President. It looks like Nanda dai will be our VP again. It would have been nice if we had a female Speaker but it seems like Mahara just wants to try his hand at everything.
One day, don’t be surprised if Prachanda asks Mahara to move to Baluwatar as well. I think Mahara is probably the luckiest of all the Meowists out there. And it’s about time our Emperor sent new faces to the cabinet instead of the same old comrades who have already made lots of money for themselves and the party. Yes, give new people the chance to make some money as well instead of just making sure that the same dozen folks get to be mantris again and again.
Oli tells us that he will not engage in corruption and will not allow anyone to make a quick buck as well. Well, all of our politicians tell us that they are against corruption but then most of them misuse their authority to take bribes and waste our taxpayers money on vehicles, security and other chiya kharcha.
I think it’s about time our politicians stopped promising us stuff that they can’t fulfill. We all know that our system is corrupt from top to bottom and no one has dared to reform the system that has been in place since the days of the Pancheys.
If we had honest folks like Dr KC leading this country then we could believe that we will have a corruption-free country but we have false prophets leading us to doom.
Our politicians are wolves in sheeps’ clothing and we willingly vote for them hoping for a better tomorrow even though we know very well that only they get to have the fun while most of our folks work in the sun in the Middle East.
Our thulo mancheys are all corrupt. Nepotism rules in this land. Integrity is for losers while those who run the show suck us dry till there is nothing left. Modi and Xi may not be perfect but they have a plan to take their respective countries to greater height. What do our netas have? Nothing except a plan to share the loot among themselves while the country goes broke!
This article is written by Guffadi who is a grumpy old man who blogs at You may contact him at
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