On Friday (Aril 3rd), Nepali blues rock band “Mukti and Revival” released a new music video of their song “Banchekai Milena” on Youtube and on their Facebook page hosted by Ramon Das Shrestha. The song is from their 5th album “Swotantra” that was released at Patan Museum on May 25th, 2019.
The release of the video comes during 11th day of Coronavirus Lockdown in Nepal.
“This music video is different than our previous ones,” says Mukti Shakya. “None of our earlier videos had any models, but we decided to try with the model acting in this new video.” Tshering Dorje Sherpa is seen in the video as a model, that was shot in Vancouver, Canada.
“The song is about Humanity,” Sunit Kansakar (guitarist).
Many Nepali musicians have been entertaining their fans on social media (Facebook/Youtube) during the lockdown.
Deepak Bajracharya and The Rhythm band who were in quarantine streamed their live performance via Facebook and Youtube. The band had returned from Australia and had to be in quarantine.
Our last day in the 14 days long Self Quarantine. We had an amazing time entertaining you and interacting with you…
Posted by Deepak Bajracharya on Sunday, March 29, 2020
Similarly, Nepalese Musicians Responded To COVID-19 With Favorite Riff Challenge on Facebook. The challenge is being shared and naturally their talent is being used to entertain themselves and their circle of friends in this time of distress and uncertainty.