Amar Bhushan, the former special director of RAW, has revealed in his book Inside Nepal, that the Indian Intelligence Agency RAW had a major role in ending the monarchy in Nepal, as reported by Eur Asian Times.

The Book Inside Nepal

Inside Nepal by Amar Bhushan

Its been 18 years since the The Nepalese royal massacre occurred at the Narayanhity palace on June 1st, 2001.  Crown Prince Dipendra was accused of the massacre according to the statements of the surviving eyewitnesses and reports of Incident Inquiry Committee consisting of Supreme Court Chief Justice and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, but the Nepalese authorities never officially revealed anyone’s identity as the perpetrator of the massacre. Dipendra slipped into a coma after shooting himself. (WIKI)

And now the former special director of RAW (an Indian Intelligence Agency), Amar Bhusan have revealed in his new book “Inside Nepalthat India’s Research and Analysis Wing had a major role to play in dethroning of Nepal’s absolute monarchy.

For more on this story, read the report at Eur Asian Times.

One of the most astonishing covert operations of RAW (India’s Research and Analysis Agency) is linked to ending the centuries-old monarchy and bringing a democratic rule in Nepal. The former special director of RAW, Amar Bhushan has revealed in his book that India’s Research and Analysis Wing had a major role to play in dethroning of Nepal’s absolute monarchy.

Via Eur Asian Times


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